
Mission Statement

The Bourne Community Boating program was created to be a community-based program for all, focusing on many aspects of boating and marine education.

Bourne Community Boating, Inc. (BCB) was founded in 2006 to provide an opportunity to people of all ages, abilities and background to enrich their lives through on-the-water educational and recreational experiences. BCB is one of the less than 50 schools officially accredited by the US’s Community Sailing Organization, and is also a licensed Powerboating Training Center.

BCB’s primary program is an 8-week long youth summer sailing and marine science school, in which students learn in, on, and around sailboats of all sizes.  In addition, BCB also offers Adult Sailing, Adaptive Sailing, Paddle-boarding, and Open Sailing.

Our organization strives to provide an opportunity to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to enrich their lives through on-the-water educational and recreational experiences. BCB especially tries to reach the year-round, full-time resident youth population of Bourne, many of whom would not have had the opportunity to learn to sail without BCB’s programs.  BCB works to introduce these students to sailing, boating and marine science in a friendly, fun and inclusive environment.


We want everyone who visits the Bourne Community Boating website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

BCB is committed to equity and social justice.  We follow the US Sailing mission to recognize diversity as essential to achieving our mission.  Diversity includes differences in culture, ethnicity, race, gender, age, beliefs, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, family status, physical ability, appearance, and ideas.  

BCB also continues to work to increase accessibility to our program wherever possible. We offer assisted sailing and have two boats that have been adapted for sailors with physical disabilities. For any inquiries, questions, or concerns, contact us at info@bournecommunityboating.org

Phinneys Harbor Day Beach Party Fund Raiser is Aug 3rd! Register for Cornhole Tournament Now.
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