
Carina Way – Executive Director

BCB is immensely proud of Carina, a shining example of the program’s success. Carina started out as a camper over 15 years ago, worked as a junior instructor, then an instructor, and has now taken over as Executive Director.

With work experience as park ranger and early educator, and armed with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Planning and Policy, Carina brought her expertise back to BCB, enriching the program further. Her combination of a kind and gentle demeanor alongside her exceptional sailing skills makes her an exemplary leader for our staff and a wonderful teacher for our students.

2023 Instructors

Group photo

Left to right: Willow, Leah, Finn, Tommy

Leah has been a part of BCB for twelve years starting as a camper and has been instructing for the last four. Leah currently attends the College of Charleston. Her favorite boat at BCB is a laser (as seen in the photo below). When Leah isn’t at BCB you can find her taking pictures, going to the beach, and sailing.

This is Willow’s first year as an instructor at BCB but has been a long time participant. Willow will be going into her junior year at Falmouth Academy this fall. Willow’s favorite BCB boats are the Lasers. Her hobbies include soccer, basketball, sailing, dancing, going to the beach and hanging out with friends.

Ethan will be instructing for his first year this year but has been a long time participant. Ethan currently attends Tabor Academy and his favorite boat to sail at BCB are the lasers. When he is not at BCB or school you can find him playing games with friends.

This will be Finn’s first year as an instructor but has also been a long time participant of BCB. Finn currently attends Hanover High school in New Hampshire. Finn’s favorite BCB boat is the Hobie and his hobbies include sailing, baseball, and swimming at the beach.

This will also be Tommy’s first year as an instructor for BCB but has been a long time participant. Tommy currently attends Xaverian Brothers High School and his favorite BCB boat is the Hobie. Tommy’s hobbies include sailing, theater, and running.

This will be Ben’s second year at BCB! Ben is from a local family of commercial fisherman. He was raised in and around boats on the waters of Bourne. Ben is thrilled to be hanging out at BCB again this summer! In the off season Ben can be found performing as a percussionist and teaching as a middle school band director. Ben looks forward to seeing you all at the sign in/out table!

Registration for 2025 Summer Sailing School is Open
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