Summer Sailing School 2024

Registration for the 2024 sailing season.

Summer will be here sooner than you think! Start thinking about summer registration for BCB! We will be opening our registrations early this year (January)! For all the latest news and updates follow us on Facebook and Instagram @bournecommunityboating

Classes start in JUNE!

Orientation June 2024
Orientation for all sessions will be held TO BE DETERMINED. This will be an opportunity to meet with staff members and have any questions answered and more details about day-to-day activities. Orientation will be held at Monument Beach at 22 Emmons Road, Bourne, MA under the large white tent to the left of the parking lot.
Class start and end times
Mummichogs: TBD
Beginners, and Advanced Beginners : TBD
Intermediates, and Adventurers: TBD
Instructors in Training (IIT): TBD
First day of class checklist
Here is a list of things that a child attending camp should bring:
Lifejacket: Every student must bring a US Coast Guard approved lifejacket that fits properly and is in good condition. Lifejackets will be worn at all times on the water including on docks and beaches.
Closed-Toe Water Shoes: Closed toed shoes will be worn at all times. Some examples would be boat shoes, water shoes, closed toed sandals, or a pair of old sneakers. Flip-flops or open toed sandals will not be allowed.
Bathing Suit: A bathing suit that can be worn alone or under clothes is recommended as students will be getting wet throughout the day.
Sunscreen: Sunblock must be applied BEFORE the student arrives each day to all exposed skin. Staff are not allowed to apply sunblock to students.
Towel: A dry towel must be brought every day.
Sweatshirt/Light Jacket: A warm sweatshirt, fleece or light jacket must be brought everyday. The weather can change quickly and students need to be prepared with a warm and dry layer.
Water Bottle: A full reusable or single use water bottle should be brought every day with your child’s name written clearly on it to prevent loss, confusion and/or mix-ups.
Things to know about BCB policies and courses.
Swim Check:  All sailing school students will be subject to a swim check.  This is to ensure that all students are comfortable in the water.
Belly Biology: Students participate in Belly Biology, our Marine Biology class, one day a week to learn about the animals and habitats that they sail around and on.
Bad weather: We will hold class on rainy days unless it is also very windy or there is the possibility of thunder and lightning. BE SURE YOUR CHILD BRINGS ADEQUATE RAIN GEAR AND WARM CLOTHING. If it is raining hard or there is the possibility of thunder and lightning, we will be canceling classes by text and email.
Class Complication: Most problems are easy to fix, but we need to know about them. Staff are often very busy immediately before and after class. If you have an issue you need discussed, arrange a good time to meet.
Drop off / Pick Up time: Please arrive and depart class on time. Early drop-offs are not allowed, as our staff uses that time to prepare boats and equipment for the days’ activities. Late pickups result in staff being unable to prepare for the next class. Students are not permitted to hang around before and after classes.
Parking: Town of Bourne beach stickers are needed to park in the Marina parking lot at all times.

Get ready for Summer! Here are some notes our 2023 Programs.

YES there are changes. Please email with questions, and thank you for your patience!

  • Courses will run in two week sessions this year as opposed to the one and three week options last year (with the exception of Mummichogs which will remain at one week sessions).
  • YES there will still be Residency discounts for full-time, year-round Bourne resident youth and Sibling discounts, plus need- based scholarships.

Click here for more Details.

Registration for Summer Sailing School Opens in January 2025
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