What Level is Best for My Sailor?

Beginning Sailing is designed to introduce learners over the age of 7 (and completed grade 2 by June 2022) to the basics of sailing: knot tying, primary boat parts, rowing skills, rigging, launching and landing and sailing on a reach, tacking a small boat upwind and jibing downwind. Emphasis is placed on confidence building, safety and fun. This class is most appropriate for students with very little or no former guided experience with sailboats. 8’ single handed prams are used for the instruction.

Advanced Beginners – This course is designed for sailors who are comfortable with the sailing basics: knot tying, rigging, rowing, tacking and launching/landing a small boat. Emphasis is placed upon basic skill development including fine sail trim, weight trim, confidence building and safety. Prams and Bullseyes are utilized for instruction. Prerequisite: instructor recommendation

Intermediate Sailing– Sailors should have measurable experience on the water; familiarity with and comfort tacking, jibing rounding buoy; sail competently upwind in moderate conditions and land a small boat. Intermediate sailors will continue to build boat handling skills, self confidence and safe practices in more challenging conditions.  Prams and Bullseyes are utilized in this class. Prerequisite: instructor recommendation. Completion of grade 4 recommended.

Adventurers– This is a class for experienced learners who seek to continue skill development, on the water experiences and exploration of new places. Problem solving, strategizing and fun are emphasized in this class! This is an afternoon class that will have breezier, more exposed  sailing than morning sessions. Bullseyes will be used predominantly for this class. Must have successfully completed Intermediate sailing class. Prerequisite: instructor recommendation. Completion of grade 4 recommended.

Learn to Race– This class is intended to meet the needs of young sailors interested in racing and competitive sailing. Students will learn the fundamental racing rules and more complicated maneuvers on the water. Students enrolled in this class should have considerable experience single-handing and crewing on small boats.  Sailors will use both Lasers and 420s in this class. Must have successfully completed Intermediate sailing class. Prerequisite: instructor recommendation. Completion of grade 4 recommended.

Mummichogs- A morning class for young learners between the ages of 6-8, this class is designed to provide exposure to on/around the water learning experiences. Emphasis is placed upon fun, experiential/project based learning and developing comfort and confidence in the marine environment. Parents are encouraged to volunteer as leaders; such participation entails discounts for sailing classes. Weekly sessions.

Sailing students will be assessed on the first days of class. Inappropriately placed students will be moved to the appropriate class after parent/guardian notification.

Phinneys Harbor Day Beach Party Fund Raiser is Aug 3rd! Register for Cornhole Tournament Now.
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